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Chilled or Room Temp Recommended serving temperature 10℃~25℃ Storage temperature 5℃

Approx 8.5 std drinks, 15% alc/vol

Rice: Yamadanishiki Polished: 50% Koji Water Yeast: Original Kobo

Fuji no Sake / First quarter Moon "Shousetsu" Wine barrel Junmai-Ginjo

SKU: Fujinosake-02
  • "Shosetsu" has a vibrant, refreshing nose and clean aftertaste with classic Junmai umami. This Junmai Ginjo has been aged for 4 months in a wine barrel giving the colour of a yellow rose, and subtle tasting notes of dried mandarin, golden syrup, and apple compote. The aging process results in extra umami and full body bitterness, acidity of the fruits getting deeper, and dry finish going longer. This sake pairs well with creamy or deep fried dishes. Drink cold for a refreshing sake, or drink cool for more bodied flavour.

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